Nuovo sito
Nuovo sito
19 January 2023

New website

We are proud to announce the launch of our new website. It is now live and located at the same address (URL) of the previous one. It doesn’t just have a brand-new look; it also includes faster investigation, user-friendly navigation, improved security, and easier access to information.

The website has been redesigned to reflect the strong cohesion and consistency of the Villa Team, with the aim of communicating its great desire for change. In this respect, our current partners and prospective clients will find updated and detailed information about our company, vision, mission, quality certifications, products, business network, services, news, and events.

We have added special sections to know more about products, including the product’s key points, which identify a fast overview of the main features and benefits, and also information about the company’s App RAD/AR, which is straightforward to our partners and customers by providing 3D, AR, and VR simulations of our products.

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In ottemperanza al d.lgs. n.24 del 2023, Villa Sistemi Medicali S.p.A. ha implementato il
portale di segnalazione Integritywatch.

Il portale consente ai soggetti identificati dal decreto di poter formulare segnalazioni scritte e orali
in conformità con quanto previsto dalla legge.

Ai sensi della normativa citata, la società fornisce ogni tutela e protezione per il segnalante ed i soggetti
a lui riferibili (come individuati dal decreto legislativo) da ogni forma di atto discriminatorio o ritorsivo
derivante dalla segnalazione, garantendogli tutti i diritti previsti per legge.

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Guarda il video tutorial su cosa puoi fare nel portale dedicato